Shock horror!!!
Working many miles apart it was only on
the very odd occasion that we ended up following each other up the
road and pulling into the drive together. The day that we received
Sandra’s report was one of those rare days – and a good job too
as when we read her report both of us were pretty much fuming.
Lying at the top of a deep pile of the
regular bills and junk mail was an ominous looking manilla envelope
bearing a now familiar franking. We ripped the flap open in a mixture
of eagerness and trepidation. A quick scan confirmed our worst fears.
“The incident” did seem to have coloured all of her perceptions
of us as a couple. The portrait which was painted in the report
seemed at best a caricature and, at worst, a wildly inaccurate
expressionist mess. We were clearly a buttoned up and anal-retentive
pairing whose lives were ruled and regimented by our strict routines.
This was a flag which would need to be explored in much more detail
during any home-study period to ensure that this would not hamper our
ability to adapt to life with a child. Great!
Sure there were some positive elements
to the report but the tone seemed to us to be overall quite down on
us as a couple. So much for our chances now. Our dander was truly up
and we were all but ready to march down to the Council offices to
complain at this clear prejudiced injustice. Where was the number of
the ombudsman? Was there an ombudsman? What was the appeals process?
It was around about then that we
spotted a second manilla envelope in the pile, also bearing the
familiar franking mark. Oh well, might as well read the bad news in
black and white.
Oh... Ah... We were being recommended
to proceed through to the next stage of the process and would be
invited to attend the next series of Preparation Days to be held the
following February – pending the usual checks and medical reports.
A couple of additional forms fell out of the envelope – medical
consents and a standard medical report for our GP to complete.
Glancing between the two letters it seemed inconceivable that one
could have lead to the other. Still, don’t look a gift horse in the
mouth. We’ll bank that one!
It didn’t diminish our annoyance at
the report though. And what had they told us at the Orientation Day?
“When you submit your application form you will be assigned an
assessing social worker and a screening interview will be arranged.
Your social worker will be your main point of contact throughout the
process through to panel.” Great, we were stuck with Sandra as
our advocate all the way through to Adoption Panel and beyond. Well,
maybe with some hard work over the coming months we could redeem her
opinion of us and help her to gain a more balanced understanding of
us as a couple. Maybe...
And it was a few weeks later that
another truism about the adoption process was underlined, once more.
Often the left and right hands don’t know what they’re doing and
what is transmitted as being Gospel was rarely so. Once again,
Douglas Adams' description of the "Hitch-hikers' Guide To The Galaxy" sprang to mind... Apocryphal or, at least, wildly
inaccurate...”* Perhaps we should have taken note of that tome's most helpful advice... DON'T PANIC!
Still onward and upward. Appointments
were booked for the medical. With Christmas looming we were keen to
ensure that all the necessary paperwork required from us was done and
dusted well before that. By the end of the week our medical reports
and consents were dispatched to the local authority by recorded
delivery. There was nothing more to do other than sit back, enjoy
Christmas and wait information about when and where the Preparation
Days would take place.
All we know for
certain was that the Preparation Days were due to some time in
mid-February. By mid-January we felt that we’d left a respectable
distance from the Christmas holidays. We’d still heard nothing.
Perhaps it was time for a little chasing. Steeling ourselves we
prepared for the call. It went something like this.
we speak to Sandra please. [...wait...]”
why are you calling me?”
well you’re our social worker, aren’t you?”
on earth would give you that idea?”
that’s what we were told... we apply, a social worker is assigned
to assess us and take us through the process... isn’t that how it
be ridiculous. Your social worker won’t be assigned until after you
have completed the Preparation Days and submitted your supplementary
information form. I’m sure that they made that CRYSTAL CLEAR at the
Orientation Day. Now if you would be kind enough to ring up and if
you’ve got a general query please contact the main office. Goodbye.
[ ...bzzzzzz...]”
left us both a little stunned. We quickly checked our separate notes
from the Orientation Day. Nope, that WAS exactly what they had said:
“Apply, Social Worker,
Screening and so on...”
So a valuable
lesson learned about the system – don’t necessarily take things
at face value and don’t assume that the assertion you are being
given is, in fact, definitive in any way. Plus we had gained a little
more insight into Sandra’s character. I must admit that there was a
certain amount of dancing around the living room at the news she
wouldn’t be our social worker after all.
A few phone calls
later and the main office confirmed that our paperwork was, indeed,
complete and ready to go forward to the Local Authority’s Medical
Advisor for his consideration and effective rubber-stamping. So we
were all set fair for the Preparation Days the following month... Or
were we?
* " In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitchhiker’s Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopaedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects. First, it is slightly cheaper; and second, it has the words “DON’T PANIC” inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover."
— Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Just found your blog through WASO:) Sounds like you've had quite the journey so far, I look forward to reading more (and holybanana what a...lady you're dealing with there!)
Lindsay, thanks. Hope that folks find the story both entertaining and useful. Yes, "Sandra" was an interesting one. Fortunately the social worker we ended up with for our home study was beyond lovely and a pleasure to work with!
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