I know my P(L)ACE!
We returned from
our lunch break ready and raring for more. The afternoon session
started by introducing a concept which will become familiar to all
preparing for adoption... PACE.
– Accepting –
Curious – Empathic
some people prefer to refer to this as PLACE rather than PACE – the
L standing for Loving.
Our trainer, Maureen pointed out that since “Loving” ought to be
a given in any case and in any circumstance then it didn’t count...
so PACE it was.
There’s no way
in which I can do justice to the elegance of the PACE concept (and
the whole of Dyadic Development Psychotherapy, of which it’s a
guiding principle) in the space available here. Safe to say, though,
there’s plenty of literature out there to draw on and both Caroline
Archer and Dan Hughes are not a bad place to start. All the books
mentioned in the previous blog use this as a foundation to their
One has to admire
the elegance of the technique in teasing out vital information from a
confused child unwilling or incapable of expressing how they feel or
grappling with the reasons for those confused and fractured feelings.