Here we are again!
the home-study was intense and draining was a given. It also seemed a
little random as time went on. Denise had pretty much got a handle on
what we were like as individuals and as a couple. Once again we
continued our over-riding policy of balancing openness with
discretion. Cooperation with circumspection.
were a lot of forms and formulas which needed to be filled in. All of
these would be retained to form part of the Adoption Panel’s
briefing pack on us. We kept our own copies and they eventually
filled an A4 lever arch file pretty much to capacity. They seemed to
range from the sublime to the ridiculous.
spent a happy hour while Denise walked around our house filling in a
detailed Health and Safety questionnaire which seemed to run to about
a hundred pages. Luckily we’re not affluent enough to have a
swimming pool in the back garden and we don’t own any pets which
are required to be registered under the Dangerous Dogs Act (not even
a slightly tetchy gerbil) so that saved at least three or four pages.
We did confirm which way up we put the cutlery in the dishwasher and
promised to see to the strings on the Venetian blinds though.